International commercial arbitration

Arbitration is a traditional technique of dispute resolution in the commercial sphere. It is inherently different from the dispute resolution procedure applied by state courts, that is why it requires specialist qualifications and expertise from lawyers.

REVERA law group has 20 years of experience in strategic planning and litigation in international commercial arbitration at the IAC at the BelCCI (Minsk), ICC (Paris), VCCA (Vilnius), CIETAC (Beijing), SIAC (Singapore), ICAC at the RF CCI (Moscow), SAC (Switzerland).


Our services include

  • Representation of interests in arbitration (arbitration) courts.
  • Participation as a local counsel in disputes in foreign arbitration (arbitration) courts on commercial and investment disputes, including the preparation of documents; collection of documents and information, selection of foreign partners; selection of candidates for arbitrators; preparation of legal opinions.
  • Pre-trial analysis of risks, prospects and cost of arbitration proceedings, proposal of other options for resolving the dispute.
  • Negotiating the settlement of the dispute, participation in the mediation procedure.
  • Preparation of opinions on the prospects for resolving the dispute within the framework of the pre-trial dispute resolution procedure.
  • Development of standards, policies, instructions for choosing a dispute resolution body.


UK-based software developer

Representing a custom software development company in Vilnius Commercial Court of Arbitration (VCCA) in a case against a FinTech company from the Netherlands. The defendant evaded settling the debt for software development services, and the plaintiff insisted on the recovery of the principal debt amount and interest for the period of default until the resolution is executed. The arbitral award was granted in favour of the client.

Venture Capital Fund

Representing a venture capital fund in the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) in a case against a major US game developer for non-payment of a loan amount and an agreed share of profits from game sales on the Google Play Market and Apple App Store. The arbitral award was granted in favour of the client.

Gambling brand

Representing the client before the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce in an M&A case involving the acquisition of an international business structure. The REVERA team initiated an SCC emergency arbitration and later managed to get a successful settlement on 100% of all claims.

Domain disputes under UDRP

REVERA worked out and implemented the strategy to combat illegal utilization of the client’s TMs in 20+ domain names, revealed and blocked some of the domains, and initiated UDRP procedures against the rest of the domains. The actions of the perpetrators distracted traffic from the client's websites and involved elements of phishing.

Digital advertising platform

Advising the plaintiff - an international advertising platform - in a dispute under English law against a company from Malta regarding the terms of online SaaS Terms of Service. REVERA team helped the plaintiff to recover the principal debt and damages.

Arbitration dispute under the hybrid contract

Arbitration dispute under English law at the International Chamber of Commerce (Paris), where REVERA represented a major Leisure & Entertainment company from the CIS against an Irish company for recovery of the principal debt and damages under a hybrid contract (supply and licence agreement). The case was won in favour of the client.